Month Two

Yesterday marked two months with my remarkable new heart. It has been a time of trial and error; tests, tests and more test; a time for new goals and achievements. This has also been a time of a lot of ups and downs. Thankfully, mostly ups.

I was able to begin a formal outpatient rehab program! That was exciting for me, as anytime I exerted with my old heart, I would go into even more arrhythmias than normal. So being able to be monitored while exerting helps reset my mindset. It has been so very nice watching the monitor and just seeing sinus tach and not tons of multifocal pvc’s! Today at the red center here in the hotel, I was able to go 42 minutes and peddled 7.4 miles. Doesn’t sound like much, does it. But considering 2 months ago, I had a hard time walking to the mailbox without stopping several times, it’s a huge improvement. I go go outpatient rehab m-w-f and still go to inpatient on Tuesday and Thursday. It forces me to get out every day. I am now walking to and from the hospital before and after my appointments. Again, it’s not a huge distance, but it is more than I would have been able to do before. THANK YOU DONOR!

I also had my fifth and sixth biopsies. So far, all my results have been 1r. So low grade infection that will continued to be monitored, but no changes in my medication routine. I have had weekly blood work. Unfortunately, we have had to do some constant adjustments with my tacrolimus, as my levels continue to jump all over the place. I’ve been told that this is very normal as my body adjusts to my new heart and my body settles in with the new drugs. Because of the high dose of prednisone and tacrolimus, I do have the shakes. It especially rears it’s head when I use fine motor skills. Trying to drink from a glass or write anything with a pen has been challenging, to say the least. I’ve been told, it will improve as I start decreasing the prednisone. And hopefully, that will happen next month when I come in for my next biopsy. I can just see myself standing in front of a patient to draw them, and my hand shaking holding the needle!

During this past month, I also met with a few new team members. I added a sleep disorder doc and a pulmonologist to my ever growing list of specialists. I pushed for both, as I’m still having problems with my lungs and my sats dropping,especially at night and when I am under exertion. I will be doing another sleep study this coming week (so not looking forward to that!). So will see what those results will show. Did I get rid of the central sleep apnea as my heart failure doc was hoping? Luckily, the testing will be done here at the hotel I am staying at, but up one more floor. So at least I won’t have to travel far, nor figure out how to get there! Sleep continues to elude me….whether from drugs or breathing issues, I guess we’ll find out next week.

I also met with the pulmonologist last week. He ordered some breathing test to measure my lung capacity. Good news is, I’m not making things up! Bad news is, I have a paralyzed left diaphragm. It has actually caused my breathing tests to be about 40% less than they were 18 months ago when I was testing to get listed. Also, when I lay flat, my numbers are greater than 25% less than when I am sitting. Not good for either. I know for any open heart procedure, they must cut the phrenic nerve (the nerve that works the diaphragm), and this is my second open heart surgery. So I asked if this could be the issue. He said more than likely. However, I was having issues with my sats dropping starting about 6 weeks before I got my call. Since I never had the appointment with a pulmonologist before transplant, we don’t know the reason. It could have just simply been that my heart was failing faster than we thought and with my blood pressure being so low, I just wasn’t being perfused appropriately. We may never know. He did have me meet with a respiratory therapist to give me a new little toy to play with. This one is called an inspiratory muscle trainer. It is supposed to help strengthen the surrounding muscles to help with breathing. Kind of assisting the diaphragm in its job, as it hopefully begins to recover. I asked if this was a common occurrence after open heart. He says for him it is, but this is what he does, so he sees a lot of it. But, in the overall scheme of things with all the surgeries done, it’s relatively rare. Lucky me! He did say to continue with rehab, as movement will definitely help.

So, as of right now, I am scheduled to go home next weekend..lord willing and the creek don’t rise! But of course, long term weather shows that there is supposed to be a huge winter storm hitting pretty much our whole route home!

Lou has been working hard on getting the house as germ free ready as possible. He will be working with a plumber next week to get a UV water filtration system installed, as we are on well water and cannot guarantee how safe the well water is. Even taking a shower could be hazardous for me at this juncture. He converted our covered back porch into a temporary storage area, later to be our eBay room. And yesterday, we got a new washer delivered. Our old one was about 15 years old, and had some mold around the gasket. Lots of changes and lots to learn!

Thank you to donors and their families everywhere! Especially thankful for my donor and their family as they go through this year of firsts.

Another visit, another surgery

Well, the next several weeks flew by, and it was soon time for another trip to Cleveland.

In the meantime, I had been able to find and secure us a place to live. Lou was still making his treks across the country getting our stuff out of Utah and preparing to move into our new house. The owner allowed me to take early possession so that I could begin to get it ready to receive the horses. I had found fencing and other supplies, and Louis was kind enough to come out and help me, not only pick up supplies, but to put the fence up. I was excited. The horses were going to have some grass….almost 5 acres….to munch down. And, we were not going to have to worry about snow and freezing weather, as we were already into May.

Again, Lou and I arranged our schedule for me to fly in and him to be in Cincinnati. He would pick me up at the Cleveland airport and we would make our way to the hotel. My procedure was scheduled for the next day, early. I had been off my coumadin for the last 4 days in anticipation of this procedure. It had been a very long day for both of us, and it was promising to be a long day tomorrow. I knew I would have an overnight stay, so Lou would be able to stay in the room with me.

Well, the day dawned, as it is wont to do. We had arranged for an early morning ride into the clinic via the shuttle, and our truck would just stay in the hotel parking lot for the time being. Once I got released, we would come back, stay the night and head out the following morning. The shuttle driver dropped us off at the entrance, and we proceeded to get checked in. Once checked in, we made our way up to the cath lab area and sat in the waiting room.

A few minutes later, my name was called…but I was only taken into a little closet type room to check my INR. It had come done nicely, so I was set to go. I went back into the waiting room to wait until I would go back into the prep area. About a half an hour later….I was paged. I went back by myself to get ready. I got an IV placed, hooked up to the monitor, vitals taken and then another wait. Pretty soon, an EP fellow came to consent me to the procedure. In the meantime, Lou had been paged and he was allowed to come back until I was taken into the cath lab. Dr Bhargava and his surgical team made it into my cubicle where they verified who I was and the procedure I was there for. Then off to the cath lab.

One thing I can tell you, walking into the cath lab is like waking off a plane onto Antartica. It is FREEZING in there! So, of course I asked for nice, warm blankies! Then I was mostly out. I remember bits and pieces of what went on, but most of it is a blur. The next thing I remember for sure, is I was in recovery and screaming because my back was spasming so badly. I found out later, I had been lying flat on that hard table to about 8 hours…so even longer than the time I was cut open for my myectomy.

Dr Bhargava had told Lou it would probably take about 4-5 hours, and then when it was done, Lou say him walking out into the waiting room and pulled him into another little room. Lou thought the worse. Dr Bhargava explained that, even though my arteries were clear, the artery he wanted to place the left wire had a sharp angle that made it very difficult to place it correctly. As it was, he was only able to get it about 50% of what he wanted to do. But it was in.

I was eventually taken to my room and rest. They have the best nurses at Cleveland! Everyone is so helpful. I asked for their most amazing water filled heating pad machine. It helps my back so much, especially being on those awful hospital mattresses. I was finally able to get settled down. The nurses had brought in pillows, sheets and blankets for Lou to sleep as well. It had been a very long day.

The next day, Dr Bhargava came in and went over what had happened. He wanted me to follow up with another interrogation in a month. But, I could do that locally. Other than that, I was free to go, and to follow up with him when I came back in about 3 months to see Dr Thamalarasan and Dr Tang.

We were released. The calm before the storm.

Cleveland Revisited

The day had come to head back to Cleveland.  Lou had arranged his travels, so he would be in Cincinnati the day I would leave for Cleveland.  He would drive up and pick me up at the airport and go with me to the appointments the next day.

I finally finished my day at work and rushed home to get my bag, change clothes and pick up Robin. She would be dropping me off at the airport and picking me up the next evening. Rush, rush, rush.

We pulled up at the drop off spot at the airport and I made my way to the ticket counter to get checked in. All went smoothly at check in and through security. I got to my terminal and had a chance to catch my breath and wait for the plane to come in. I finally got on the plane and in my seat. The flight was uneventful and I arrived in Cleveland late that night. Lou was there waiting and we got on the road for the 25 miles into the city and the hotel where we would be staying that night. We checked in and arranged for an early morning shuttle to the hospital.

Morning came quickly, as we were both very tired and anxious to get answers. The shuttle driver dropped us off at the front entrance, and I went in to get checked in at the lab. Dr Thamilarasan had ordered more blood work, ekg and chest xray. I finished all of that and headed down to get my echo done.

The echo lasted a very long time….even longer than normal, as Dr Tham wanted to get extra pictures of what was going on with my heart. After the echo was complete, I checked in for my visit with Dr Tham.

I was called back and vitals and history were taken. We also went over all my medications. I gave the nurse all the copies of labs, xrays, echos, ekgs and visits since I was last there 7 months ago, including my latest echo done at UVa. Dr Thamalarasan came into the room 15 or so minutes later. he was very kind and polite as he always is, but he didn’t sugar coat anything. He told us my heart was failing, my EF was still down around 25% and that I needed to see the heart failure team. He mentioned the “T” word again. He also told us he wanted to admit me and get more tests done….namely a TEE to see what else was going on. Of course I told him I was scheduled to fly home after my appointments that day. He just said lets see what Heart Failure tells me.

So, with my head still reeling, we make our way up two floors to see yet another doctor….one specializing in heart failure.

Dr Thamalarasan had set up this appointment with Dr Wilson Tang. I was called back into the exam room by the nurse, vitals and history taken. And then a heart failure fellow came in. She spent about 45 minutes in there with us asking questions, answering questions and getting to know me and my history. She then told us she was going to go out and speak with Dr Tang and that they would be back in shortly.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and Dr Tang came in followed by the fellow. We went over the same ground and then he told us that I needed to be admitted, I needed to get a right heart cath done, I needed to do another metabolic stress test and I needed to meet with EP.

I’m like….whoa! I have a flight to catch in a few hours, and I’m scheduled back to work tomorrow! Dr Tang took this all in stride and said, that’s fine…then you will need to come back within the month and get this all done. But, he did want me to meet with the EP that afternoon before I left. He had already had it arranged. He also said that my heart had become stiff and that I would be needing a transplant. He adjusted a lot of my medications…took me off of some and added others. He explained, its a balancing act at this point. Either extreme, too much or too little, would cause even more heart failure symptoms. So, we would try this new medication regimen. Dr Tang spent over an hour with us. He had us plenty scared. Lou asked some questions, but mainly, if I were to stay 1) could it be done as outpatient, and 2) when could we start and how long would it take. Yes, all could be done as an outpatient and the EP he had in mind wanted to do some more invasive tests as well. It would depend on what he told us and what he wanted to do. So, off we went to the next appointment….the EP.

So, down we go one floor to the EP department. I get called back into the room and first get my device interrogated. Then I get put into a room. Yet another time that day, we go over my history and problems. The nurse leaves and a few minutes later, Dr Bhargava walks in and introduces himself to us. More questions and answers between us, and then he gets down to business. His feeling after looking at my echo, is that the myectomy caused a complete left bundle branch block (very common post a well executed myectomy) and that my heart just couldn’t compensate. He said I have an asynchronous left ventricle….meaning my left and right ventricles (bottom chambers of the heart) weren’t beating in synch, which is, what he felt, causing the lowering EF. His suggestion was to put in an upgrade to the ICD I already had in place. Essentially, he would add a 3rd lead into my left ventricle and pace both ventricles as close to 100% as possible. He also wanted to a procedure to make sure that my arteries were clean and that he would be able to thread the new lead in without issues.

I put a call into my supervisor, and she was very sympathetic and accommodating. So all of these additional tests were scheduled for that week. Lou and I were able to escape back to the hotel to try and organize our thoughts with these new developments. My mind was certainly reeling!

The new tests were scheduled quickly. Although, I would need to be off my coumadin for several days for a couple of them….those tests were scheduled for later in the week. So, another week of fun filled testing in my future! Yippee!

I got the tests done, and it was decided that I would be a great candidate for a BI-V upgrade. It was hoped that the Bi-V would help me keep my heart for as long as possible (a transplant has a shelf life), or even help prevent that from ever happening! The implant was to be scheduled for about 5 weeks later, the first opening Dr Bhargava had in his schedule. My other tests showed what we already knew. My heart had stiffened, my mitral valve was still leaking mildly, and that my aortic valve had started leaking. So, the race was on trying to preserve my heart for as long as possible.

The fun just never stops!

Healing Time

We made it home! Thankfully, without incident. I was exhausted. My mom had set up a temporary bed for me on the couch. It would be much easier to get up while already partially sitting up than trying to get up from a laying position on the bed. Plus, a lot less stairs for me to try to traverse. All went well for the first couple of weeks. I did a lot of sleeping. But I tried to walk outside as much as I could. I was able to visit the horses from outside the fence line, as Lou wouldn’t allow me to go in with them. Even though all of the were very friendly….too friendly at times, we didn’t want to chance them running into me, knocking me down, or head butting against my chest. Daisy was able to come out. Her, we both trusted to be gentle. I had a followup with my doctor at the end of a month. I met with him and my favorite nurse practitioner. They were both very pleased with how I was healing. Jeff put in an order for me to be able to begin cardiac rehab. Since we were there, we walked across the hall before checking out to set up my appointment times for the next several weeks. I was to start the following week. Gulp! But, I was happy that I was going to be monitored during exertion. I was going to be able to see what I could handle while doing things.

The following week began my physical therapy. I had no idea what was going to happen. So, we got there early. The receptionist had me sit down for a few minutes while she called one of the techs over. The tech got me hooked up to the telemetry and had me start with the bike. He explained that if I felt faint, or if my heart went into certain rhythms, they would stop me. They would also be monitoring my blood pressure throughout the exercise. He asked if I had any questions…nope. He showed me how to get started and I was off. I wasn’t able to do much for the first several visits, but gradually, I was able to build up my stamina and was able to add the treadmill to my activities. Most of the time, I was able to meet or exceed the goals they set for me. Some days, I wasn’t. But I was told this was to be expected. Good days, bad days!

At one point, about 5 weeks into therapy, I saw my doctor and another of my favorite nurse practitioners in the hallway. They both spotted me and came in to see how I was doing and to say hi. Dr Afshar had another appointment to get to, but the NP stayed a few minutes longer. I told her I was doing much better and ready to get back to work. She told me she would speak with Dr Afshar and get back with me. A couple of days later, I was released to drive and to return to work. They wanted me to start out slow, so half days for a week to see how I did. After that, if all ok, I would be released to go back full time. YIPPEEE!!

I did well that first week, so I was able to return to work, without restrictions. My incision was healing very well, I was having little to no chest pain. I was still taking my Tylenol 3 times a day, but that was mainly for my arthritis pain, as I couldn’t take anymore anti-inflammatory drugs. The next month to 6 weeks passed without problems. I was still tired when I got home from work, but I pretty much went back to my regular routine. Then, around Thanksgiving, I started feeling run down again. I didn’t know if I was pushing too hard, or if I was coming down with something. My followup appointment with Dr Afshar was coming up December 8th. I already had my order for bloodwork and I knew they were going to be doing an echo. I would wait until then to see what was going on. I didn’t really say anything to anybody yet. I would wait until I had some answers.

December 8. I got to my appointment early, and as typical, I was called back for my echo a few minutes later. After my echo, I was put into a room and checked in. The pharmacist came in and we went over my medications. Asked if I had any questions about anything, no. Then Jeff came in. It was good to see him, as I hadn’t seen or talked to him in a while. We spent a few minutes catching up on things. He had copies of my surgical reports that we went over. The labs I had had done, and I asked him a few questions about my pathology report from Cleveland. (the muscle they removed from my myectomy was sent to pathology). Jeff looked at it, and told me it showed classic HCM, but to talk to Dr Afshar about it. Jeff left to go report to Dr Afshar, and about 10 minutes later, they both came back into the room. Dr Afshar asked how I was doing, any new signs/symptoms, and asked if I had any questions. We talked a bit about my labs and the pathology report. He confirmed what Jeff had told me. Then we talked about my echo results. He was pretty concerned. When I left Cleveland, my ejection fraction was about 60% (very good reading). My echo today (3 months post), showed my EF was down to 48%. This explained why I wasn’t feeling too well, but not why it had dropped. He also said it appeared that my mitral valve repair hadn’t held. They could see a big stream on the echo. Dr Afshar wanted to do another type of echo, called a TEE (transesophageal echo), where they would pass a scope down my throat to get a more direct look at my heart (without bones and extra muscle to obscure the heart muscle). We got that scheduled for a couple of weeks later, as he wanted a particular doctor to perform the procedure, and that was the soonest he could fit me in. Unfortunately, it was scheduled a week before I was to move to Virginia.

The day of the procedure arrived. I got to the hospital and checked in. I was taken back to a room and prepped…..had an IV inserted and hooked up to the monitor. The doctor came in and consented me, and then I was taken back to the procedure room. The next thing I knew, I was awake in a recovery room. Dr Afshar came in a little bit later and explained the results. It wasn’t that my mitral valve repair had failed, but that I also had an aortic valve leak. The two jets combined, which made it appear worse than it was. However, in that 2 weeks, my ef had dropped even further. Dr Afshar was pretty concerned. He knew I was leaving and wanted to make sure I was seen by the COE in Virginia within a month. He had no idea what was causing such a drastic drop in my EF. And since I was leaving, he wasn’t going to be able to really get in to it. He didn’t really do any med changes, as he didn’t know what was causing this. So, he reiterated again, about being seen quickly once I was out in Virginia. He also told me, that he was still my doctor until I got settled out there and to not hesitate to call if there were any problems or issues that came up.

He had his secretary make copies of my chart and sent to UVa. He also wrote up a very detailed progress note explaining the situation and my history. We said our goodbyes and I was discharged. Since I was already there, I went down to medical records to have them copy my chart so I could take it with me. That way, if there were any problems during the drip east, I would have copies of my records to show to whomever treated me.

A couple of weeks later, and I was gone.